Simplified Steps to Literature and Composition 2 Research Report

Simplified Steps to Literature and Composition 2 Research Report

Here is a simplified list of steps for completing your Literature and Composition 2 Research Report. 
You still need to read the handbook section that gives further detail on each of these steps; this is only to give you a basic idea of the process

1. Review topics on topic list and begin initial research on one of the topics
2. Complete and submit your 2nd Quarter Working Thesis Statement Exercise; this tells us you are choosing an approved topic and have some idea how you will support your claim. The key word in the title is Working Thesis because you do not have to stick with the exact same thesis when you submit the final report. The only reason you would have to resubmit the working thesis exercise is if you change topics (healthcare to immigration for example).
3. Research your topic and find at least 5 sources you might use in your report
4. Submit the 2nd Quarter Working Bibliography- Again, this is a working bibliography. You are free to continue to add/remove sources; the final bibliography just needs to have at least 5 sources. We just want to make sure you are using quality sources before you write the full report.
5. When you think you have sufficient sources for your report, construct the outline to aid your organization of the report. The reason you write the outline after you have done your research is that your points of support are dictated by your research. You are, of course, welcome to write out a prospective outline prior to your research, but what examples and evidence you provide (which would be reflected on your outline) is determined by the research you uncover.
6. Write the rough draft
7. Edit and then submit the final draft with a cover page, outline, report itself with footnotes, and a bibliography