Lit and Comp Book Analysis Selection Error.

Lit and Comp Book Analysis Selection Error.

I apologize for the confusion. The reason why your student's book analysis novels do not match up with the course instructions is that there was an error in the system during the enrollment period. The system was still showing the older course's (English 9) book analysis options instead of the updated Literature and Composition ones. Since we just released Lit and Comp this summer, there was a transition period were, unfortunately, it was showing the old book choices. 

Moving forward, the student needs to read the selected novels according to the course's (Lit and Comp) guidelines for each quarter. A student cannot read both A Christmas Carol and Pinocchio since they are selections for the same 4th Quarter. That said, you can request Customer Service ( send you a copy of one of the missing novels (Shane by Jack Shaefer, Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand (Brian Hooker translation), The OId Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway) or you can simply get your own copy if you wish. 

Again, I apologize for the confusion and error on our part, and we would be happy to send you a copy of the missing novel. 

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