How to Find Sources Online
While there is no real substitute for a print book, there are some more reputable and academic resources available online . For example, there are free databases offered on JSTOR ( and the search engine Google Scholar. Additionally, you can acquire free e-books on While student cannot use Wikipedia or other online encyclopedias, these web pages can potentially provide quality sources in the reference sections.
There are also local and national library resources online. In Virginia, there are several libraries that have partnered with ESBSCO to make ebooks available to patrons. I encourage students and families to look on their local library's website and see what resources/databases they have available. Students should not be using Wikipedia, blogs, children's books/websites, or heavily depend on encyclopedias (Encyclopedias are prohibited entirely in Literature and Compositions' Research Essay). Good sources will provide detailed and substantive information with which to provide support (specific examples) for the student's thesis statement.
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