Once all your student's final grades are in, one of the guidance counselors will print up the diploma and email a copy to you. The guidance counselor will then mail the hard copy and one complimentary final transcript for your student to keep. Keep ...
Yes, it is possible for you to drop the course and it be removed from your transcript. However, there are couple things to keep in mind: 1. We cannot remove a course if there are at least two quarter grades (ex. Quarter 1 grade and Quarter 2 grade). ...
The British Literature course is a survey course that studies British literature beginning with Beowulf and proceeding to contemporary literature in the 20th century. We have a lecture series that students have access to on SetonOnline in which a ...
When the student receives final grades for all the courses and credits need for graduation, Mr. Wiesner (guidance counselor) will go over the final transcript. At which time, he will put his/her graduation date in, create the diploma, and finalize ...
If a student or parent is interested in supplemental reading, here are three reading lists and the HS English Book List which includes all titles covered in our core HS English courses.