What is SetonOnline?

What is SetonOnline?

SetonOnline is a robust, online resource that accompanies our high school courses. SetonOnline contains all the information you have in your physical course manual but in an online digital format. It also contains features not found in the physical course manual such as lecture videos, interactive quizzes, sample essays, and course updates (errors, clarification, etc.). This resource is not to be confused with traditional, online education platforms that include live instruction or discussion boards. It is primarily a resource we hope students and parents will find useful when navigating and completing the course. 

Helpful instructional videos about how to use SetonOnline can be found at SetonOnline Support page: https://www.setonhome.org/setononline-support/. You can also request help on this page by submitting a SetonOnline Support Form.

Note: Sometimes SetonOnline does not include the Seton-graded tests. However, those tests will almost always be found in the back of your physical course manual. If you cannot locate the tests or would like PDFs of the tests to print out, contact us at counselors@setonhome.org.

Also, these courses are aligned courses. Meaning, all the assignments and instructions for each week and day are identical between the physical course manual and SetonOnline. So far, our elementary courses and some high school courses do not have SetonOnline components. However, we are continually adding more courses to SetonOnline.

Most graded assignments are still submitted on the older MySeton website (http://myseton.setonhome.org/). However, some courses allow you to submit multiple-choice assessments on SetonOnline. For Rosetta Stone language courses (levels 1 and 2), you are required to submit the Unit Tests on SetonOnline.  
To access SetonOnline, you can go directly to https://setononline.com/, or if you are navigating from MySeton, click the "SetonOnline" icon when viewing the course from the Courses tab (see example image below). You log into Seton Online using the same credentials (username/password) you use to log into MySeton. Once you are logged in, you will see all the courses that have a Seton Online component to them.

All students that are enrolled in courses with SetonOnline components have automatic access. There is no separate charge or anything you need to do on your part to get access to SetonOnline. Unless it is a completely online course, students do not have to use it. (https://www.setonhome.org/setononline-support/