SetonOnline/Teaching Textbooks/ Rosetta Stone Walkthrough Videos

SetonOnline/Teaching Textbooks/ Rosetta Stone Walkthrough Videos

Our SetonOnline Help Webpage:

SetonOnline: The Basics
(This video covers the basics: logging in as a student, opening a course, reviewing materials, and marking progress.)

SetonOnline: How to Resolve Missing "Start Quiz" Button
(One of the most common issues reported in courses using SetonOnline tests is the missing start quiz button. This is usually caused by the student logging in using a parent account, rather than their student account. This video demonstrates the issue and the fix.)

Rosetta Stone Courses: Logging in for the First Time
(This video shows how to login to a Rosetta Stone course and activate a license.)

Rosetta Stone Courses: How to Skip to a Different Unit
(Several students have reported that they don't know how to skip forward or backward in a Rosetta Stone course. This video shows how to accomplish this.)

Rosetta Stone Courses (20A Only): How to Take Unit Tests
(20A Rosetta Stone courses feature Unit Tests. This video shows how to access and take the tests.)

Rosetta Stone Courses (20A Only): How to Review Test Results
(20A Rosetta Stone courses feature Unit Tests. This video shows how to review specific test results.)

Rosetta Stone Courses (19A Only): How to Submit Progress for a Grade
(19A Rosetta Stone courses do not feature tests, but instead rely on importing student progress to generate a grade. This video shows how to submit a request to Seton to import this progress.)

Teaching Textbooks: Activating Flash Player for Google Chrome
(This video shows how to Activate Flash Player for Teaching Textbooks courses. The video presumes that Flash Player has already been installed on the system.)

Economics Online and Computer Literacy:
Taking Tests and Reviewing Results in SetonOnline
(Most courses still rely on MySeton for test administration. However, we are beginning to migrate some courses to Brightspace for purposes of test administration. Economics and Computer Literacy are two such courses. This video shows the process for taking tests in these courses.)

SetonOnline: How to Check Student Progress
(If parents want to see how much their student has read in a SetonOnline course, they can do so using the tools in Brightspace.)
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