Tips in Writing the Book Analysis Essays on The Bronze Bow

Tips in Writing the Book Analysis Essays on The Bronze Bow

Character Sketch   

The first sentence should introduce both the author and the title. In a 5-paragraph essay (or even a 6, 7, etc. paragraph essay) where there is an introductory paragraph (unlike the conflict essay which is only 3 paragraphs), there should be some introduction of the general plot/main conflict, setting, and key characters. The intro can be improved by including this info (no more than 3 sentences; graders want to see minimal plot summary).

The last sentence of the introductory paragraph should be the thesis statement. Since Daniel experiences a conversion, the three traits will be composed of a consistent trait, an initial trait, and a post-conversion (new) trait. Therefore, the thesis statement (last sentence of the introductory paragraph) should articulate this conversion and the difference. Example:  "While he is consistently ______ (consistent trait), Daniel initially is ________ (initial trait) but experiences a conversion which results in him becoming ________ (post-conversion trait). 

As mentioned above, the three traits need to be divided into three categories: 1 consistent (a trait Daniel has throughout the story, 1 initial trait (a trait Daniel has before he changes), and 1 post-conversion trait (a trait Daniel adopts as a result of that conversion). The English 9 Course Manual details how to organize the essay to deal with his dramatic conversion seen at the end of the story is detailed on pg. 130-131 in your English 9 Course Manual.

In the third body paragraph discussing his conversion and post-conversion trait, all examples of this post-conversion trait are condensed in a short period of time right before the novel ends. Therefore, even if the examples don't seem to explicitly show that trait, almost all his actions following the conversion confirm several different traits. 

In writing the concluding (5th paragraph), follow the "3 R's" in writing a concluding paragraph in an academic essay:

Restate- restate the thesis statement

Recap- recap the main points in your body paragraphs

Remark- feel free to end the essay with a personal remark

Conflict Essay
There should be no specific examples from the text in the intro paragraph. Follow this progression in writing the intro: 1. Introduce author/title 2. introduce the main plot/conflict, setting, key characters 3. introduce Daniel as the main character and the topic of character traits 4. give the thesis statement

Re-read pg. 131-132 in your English 9 Course Manual. Specifically on pg. 132 under "Important Notes," it explicitly says to write on Daniel's Man vs. self conflict and gives hints to when the climax and resolution occurs. While Daniel's conflict with the Romans is present, this is not the main conflict displayed in the story. The main conflict centers on his internal struggle. The first paragraph should clearly state that it is a man vs. self conflict and detail what that conflict consists of. Since it is not a 5-paragraph essay, there is no need to introduce the main plot, setting, key characters, etc.; proceed directly in stating the category of conflict what that conflict consists of.

The second paragraph should focus on the rising action. This is done by showing 3 specific events in the text that show that conflict intensifying. I suggest picking one event nearer the beginning, middle, and end (close to the climax).

The third paragraph is dedicated to stating when the climax and  resolution occurs.  The graders are looking for a student to explicitly label these events: "The climax occurs when...." "The resolution occurs when..." Again, pg. 132 provides a hint at when the climax and resolution occurs; it is near the very end of the novel.

Additional Notes: 
  1. make sure you italicize the title of the novel: The Bronze Bow
  2. make sure your essay is double-spaced, 12 pt Times New Roman font, one-margins on all sides
  3. upload both essays together as one document; there is only one upload spot for this book analysis assignment
  4. proofread before uploading; while we prioritize the content of the essay over grammar or mechanics, consistent egregious errors will lower your assignment's grade. 

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