Thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention. I certainly understand the importance of preventing students from having access to inappropriate and offensive video content.
As you indicated, Seton uses Vimeo servers to host our course resource videos. We pay for a business account with them which allows us to use their video servers. Consequently, the videos do not appear on Vimeo’s searches, and when we use the videos on our own websites, we are able to remove any links that indicate the video is hosted with Vimeo.
Thus, none of our videos should be displaying the Vimeo logo or links to Vimeo. If you ever encounter this, please let us know and we will look into it and resolve the issue.
For very good reasons, many of our families utilize the internet filters at home and use these filters to block access to video sharing sites like Vimeo and YouTube. There is a way to configure these internet filters in such a way as to block the entire Vimeo homepage (along with any ability to use Vimeo’s search) but still display videos embedded using Vimeo’s servers, such as those on the Seton homepage or within SetonOnline courses.
If your internet filter uses a Whitelist (meaning all sites are blocked by default, and only sites on a permitted list will function), supply the following domains to allow videos embedded from Vimeo servers, without allowing access to the Vimeo homepage or search functions:
You do not need to allow or
By doing this, your students will be shielded from having access to the Vimeo homepage and also prevented from searching the Vimeo video library from
I hope this solution is satisfactory for you. If you run into issues with this, please don’t hesitate to reach out and let me know. I’d be happy to help.