What is Literary Interpretation? How is it different from the other English courses?

What is Literary Interpretation? How is it different from the other English courses?

Literary Interpretation focuses on analyzing six distinct texts and writing interpretive essays in response those texts.
There is no particular literary genre or particular focus in Literary Interpretation. The main objective of this course is to elevate the student's critical thinking and literary analysis.
Per the course manual, the specific objectives of this course are as follows:
I. Skills in interpreting literature
1) Interpreting literary works using such literary concepts as theme, symbolism, setting, tone, style, irony, and paradox
2) Interpreting poetry and demonstrating understanding of various kinds of figurative language and sound effects
3) comparing and contrasting as methods of analysis
4) Analyzing quotes in their literal meaning, and in their significance for the characters, plot, and theme of the literary work
5) Develop a working understanding of the basic elements of the Catholic perspective and its practical implications
6) Gain development in skills for literary analysis through interpreting literary works
II. Skills in analyzing literature
1) Writing an introductory paragraph that introduces that topic and key points of setting, plot, and characters that are essential for a good understanding of thesis and its defense
2) Writing a precise and focused thesis which asserts an opinion that can be supported by details in the body of the essay
3) Writing body paragraphs that contain appropriate topic sentences and supporting details
4) Writing sentences that are complete in thought and clear in meaning
5) Writing a concluding paragraph that includes a summary of the body and a restatement of the thesis in somewhat different words
6) Documenting ideas and quotes from the literary works in a correct manner
7) Writing that shows proper grammar, mechanics, and format.

The required novels the student reads are as follows:

1st Quarter
The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne

2nd Quarter
The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis
The Bridge of San Luis Rey by Thornton Wilder

3rd Quarter
The Ballad of the White Horse by G.K. Chesterton

4th Quarter
A Man for All Seasons by Robert Bolt
The Song at the Scaffold by Gertrude von Le Fort.