What is the Policy for Students Who Need to Retake a Course after Failing?

What is the Policy for Students Who Need to Retake a Course after Failing?

 If students need to retake a course because of a failing grade due to plagiarism or other cause, the parent will need to reenroll them in the course by contacting the Admissions department (540-636-2039). Instead of creating a second course record, Admissions will just charge the fee without updating the grading record or sending to shipping. Admissions will then send an email to the Director of Grading who will allow the student to redo the assignments for which they received a failing grade. They will not need to redo other assignments in the course that have been completed successfully. 

When the student resubmits their work for the failed assignments, the highest and lowest grade they can receive is a 70 as long as it is satisfactory and free of plagiarism.

Ultimately, this will allow the student to complete the course with a low but passing grade, avoiding a failed course on their transcript.