Research Report not meeting page minimums?

Research Report not meeting page minimums?

The research report is a challenging assignment that can be discouraging if one's paper does not meet the page minimum after substantial work.

The first thing to check is to make sure the draft is properly formatted. It should be double-spaced, 1-inch margins on all sides, and 12 pt Times New Roman font. If the formatting is already correct and the draft is still short of 4 pages, I suggest adding examples to the body paragraphs.

Find some additional examples from either existing sources or new sources that relate to the report's subtopics. Adding examples to the body paragraph can usually be an easy way to add relevant information while extending the length of the report. 

Note- be wary of using automatic citation tools. Many times they will not format the sources according to the guidelines expressed in the handbook section of your course manual. 

Finally, if a student's report only reaches a page below the minimum, it will not have a huge impact to his/her grade. It will be deducted some but it is not the sole determining factor.